Is it just me, or is everyone KonMari-ing right now? Of course I’m talking about the (increadibly gorgeous) Marie Kondo, of book and Netflix fame. You’re probably seeing posts and pictures everywhere of tidy closets, and rows of tee-shirts folded in that famous KonMari way. But not many people are talking about how to KonMari your makeup.
I think I know why…We think we need everything in that cluttered drawer, or that makeup bag with the eyeshadow spilled all over the inside. Don’t lie- we all had that “free-with-purchase” hot pink and orange zippered bag that we STILL use! But here is the truth…your makeup should be SIMPLE and QUICK and make you feel BEAUTIFUL. And to throw out that famous quote- it should spark JOY. Let me share a little picture of the way my makeup drawer used to look.
At the time, I thought it was super organized and streamlined. Organized- but NOT streamlined! I’m counting 5 foundations. FIVE? Look at the expensive eyeshadow palettes that I hardly used. Four bronzers. And I can’t even talk about the concealers in the bottom left.
This doesn’t even show my makeup bag that went in my purse, or the massive brush collection. Oy vey.
And then- I found Maskcara Beauty. Now makeup is simple. It’s beautiful. Confidence is high. And money is no longer being wasted.
This is my ENTIRE makeup collection now. I keep a few lip glosses in my purse, so those aren’t pictured. But this is it!
Maskcara brushes are double sided, versatile, HIGH QUALITY, and beautiful. I truly use them all, and it’s still a smaller collection than the old nasty cup that used to sit on my bathroom counter with random brushes and worn out bristles. But to get started with Maskcara makeup, you only need ONE brush! I want you to have this freedom too!
If this sounds appealing to you- less money, less junk, LESS ON YOUR FACE- I’m about to be your best friend! Here are 3 easy steps to KonMari your makeup…
- GO FOR QUALITY- NOT QUANTITY: Once you feel how freeing it is to have all of your makeup in one beautiful (FREE) compact, you will not miss your huge cluttered makeup bag. Enjoy putting on your makeup in the morning without digging through drawers of bottles and tubes. Maskcara makeup is highly concentrated creams that last because you only need a tiny bit. Maskcara products meet or exceed European standards. You can see a complete list of ingredients HERE.
- LESS IS MORE: I grew up in a decade where more is more when it came to makeup. No more! Maskcara Beauty was started by a woman who couldn’t stand that we were being told by the beauty industry that our faces needed to be covered up. She not only created a beauty brand, she has started a beauty revolution. Makeup should enhance your beauty, not cover it up. And there should only be one layer, not four or five. You can feel gorgeous and still see your freckles!
- MULTI-PURPOSE IS SMART AND BEAUTIFUL: Maskcara makeup is meant to have multiple uses. Highlight colors work as concealers, foundation, and can be used for color correction. Contours can double as eye shadow, lip liners, eyeliners, and brow fillers. Cheek/Lip colors are multi-purpose by nature, but they can be mixed and matched to find your perfect combo, or try them out as eye shadows! Illuminators add glow to the face, lips, eyelids, and can be dusted over your shoulders or decolletage for subtle shimmer. Each brush is double sided, saving money and space. And all of your makeup fits in our beautiful compacts which you earn free with purchase of your makeup!
Are you wanting to seriously streamline what you carry around everyday?
Do you take your makeup to work? Travel a lot? For the ultimate in Minimal Makeup, Maskcara has THE CLUTCH. It’s made of gorgeous vegan leather- one side holds your credit cards, cash, double sided brush, and phone. The other side is our Maskcara magnetic compact to hold your makeup on the go! Because life doesn’t happen at the bathroom mirror.
If you need help picking out your perfect Maskcara Makeup colors, take my 7 question quiz!
To find out more about joining me in this beauty revolution and be a part of the sisterhood, visit HERE.
If you KonMari your makeup, I’d love to see a before and after pic! Shoot me an email at
xoxo, Desiree